CHEM 0238 - ORGANIC CHEM LAB ENGINEERSMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 This one-credit one-semester laboratory course in organic chemistry for students in the engineering program is designed to augment and clarify the concepts presented in the organic chemistry lectures. Experiments stress techniques, synthetic procedures, functional group transformations, qualitative organic analysis, and separation and spectral techniques. Prerequisites:(CHEM 0231 or CHEM 236) and (CHEM 0232 or 237 as Corequisites) Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Credit Laboratory Grade Component: LG/SU3 Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: (CHEM 0231 or CHEM 0236) and COREQ: (CHEM 0232 or CHEM 0237)
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