BIOL 0090 - APOCALYPSE HOW? THE STRUGGLE TO ACHIEVE BIOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ANTHROPOCENEMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 The earth is facing a critical period, with threats coming from many directions that threaten the ability of the human species to persist long-term in a sustainable manner on the planet. The current era has been termed the Anthropocene due to the massive changes enacted by humans on the planet. The earth is characterized by massive extinctions, mounds of plastic, and rising temperatures that are turning the planet into a global hotbox, which is neither good for the planet nor us. The goal of this course is to examine six primary threats currently facing both the planet and the human species, and acquire a sound biological understanding of the dangers they pose. We will then focus on ways to mitigate each of those threats. The major focus of the class will be climate change, since its impacts are all-encompassing. In addition to climate change, we will also focus on; 2. Invasive species, 3. Pollution, 4. Antimicrobial Resistance, and 5. Disease, 6. Nuclear Disaster. The majority of the course reading will be from the secondary literature, thus making this class appropriate for all majors. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade
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