FDSED 1046 - CONTEXTS FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISHMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 In this course, the student will explore the sociocultural and political dimensions of language learning and teaching situations both in the U.S. and in international contexts. Students will learn that language acquisition is not politically neutral and it is rich with implications for the learner and the society. In many aspects of leaning a language, language itself is a privilege and is closely related to issues of power. By focusing on sociocultural, political, racial, and economic perspectives, this course examines the interplay between the macro-level relations of power in society and the micro-level experiences of language learners; to take a critical look at why language learning is encouraged and valued in certain situations while it is discouraged and marginalized in other situations. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SU3 Elective Basis
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